Our consultancy services – the blinab way

The blinab company is uniquely addressing the area of managing product and process innovation of non-assembled products in the “family” of process industries and we usually experience that well-established “on the shelf solutions” from assembly-based industries are generally dysfunctional in most sectors of the process industries. In consequence, we are exclusively providing consultancy services and support to companies within this cluster of industries. If you are an industry professional  in the capacity of a CTO, R&D Manager or an innovation expert (specialist) in this group of industries and find that the general ideas and novel innovation management practices presented in one of Thomas Lager’s scientific papers, books, or reported on this website could be of potential interest to introduce and deploy in your company organization, do not hesitate to contact us for further information, or for us to arrange an introductory discussion with Thomas Lager. Why not take advantage of our virtual on-line consultancy services and innovation management support in accordance with our well-proven stepwise mode of interaction – the blinab way for performance in innovation. Please find below our four-stage stepwise approach.

1.  An introductory conversation with the book author

After reading one of Thomas Lager’s books or the content of this website, you may be interested to take the opportunity to open up a dialogue with the author about some core concepts introduced in the book or questions related to their further implementation in your company organization. You are thus most welcome to contact us to inquire and learn if our innovation management expertise and best working practices possibly could be of use in one of your improvement projects in innovation management, or beneficial for the enhancement of the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your company R&D organization. The recommended way forward for such an exchange of ideas is that you send an email to our project coordinator Gunilla Bergdahl with some preliminary questions and reflections related to your topical area of interest. She can afterwards, in consideration of the topical issue, set-up a TEAMS meeting with Thomas Lager. Needless to say, such discussions are free of charge since they open up an opportunity for the author to get feed-back on the book content from industry professionals. The outcome from such a conversation is usually an improved reader understanding of the subject matter, but sometimes also a further interaction according to the previously presented format.

2.  Meet the author in a company in-house seminar or in a WEBINAR

Even if the structure and content of the books by Thomas Lager are designed to facilitate a further implementation of the ideas and models in a company organization, it is generally experiences that a two-hour WEBINAR or even a one-day in-house seminar are helpful instruments to operationalize the book content into company operational best practices. A WEBINAR can be tailormade to the select topical area of interest and the intended company audience, whilst the one-day seminar is following a pre-set agenda which is sometimes presented in detail at the specific subject areas on this website. The outcome from a WEBINAR or a SEMINIAR is not only an improved understanding of the topical area but often a corporate consensus on important management aspects. Both activities are usually afterwards supplemented with a brief feed-back document and notes from the previous discussions by Thomas Lager.

3.   A blinab DIAGNOSTIC

A blinab diagnostic is an in-depth expert review and assessment of a company’s operational practices and performance in a select topical area in the context of process-industrial best practices and recent international research findings. The point of departure for such a review is an introductory questionnaire based on Thomas Lager’s extensive consultancy services in this topical area and his own novel research findings. Results from the questionnaire are further complemented by a review of some company’s internal informational material (e.g., corporate work process manual and/or other associated documents) about its product innovation work process content, configuration, and operational details. The assessment also draws from supplementary general information about the company’s product-market strategy and product portfolio characteristics. This confidential information can be provided online (with an accompanying nondisclosure agreement) or provided and explained directly to Thomas Lager during a visit to the company premises. The outcome from a DIAGNOSTIC is a comprehensive report and detailed recommendations for further company actions and proposed blinab implementation support.

4. Our customary consultancy services

blinab more traditional consultancy services can be of different character and in the form of project support, project management, and supplementary management advice or coaching. The lead-time and volume of support can sometimes be only a couple of days, but often in the form of a more long-term advisory role either as a support in a customer’s on-going project or as a project manager from start to finish.

The outcome and the advantage in use of blinab consultancy support is that the client will get access to select blinab proprietary written or picture material which will facilitate the design and presentation of the overall topical area. Even if Thomas Lager takes pride in his books as instruments and proper help in company improvement projects, the author client interaction often proves to be very valuable and can avoid costly mistakes. Why not take advantage of Thomas Lager’s intimate knowledge of the subject matter in your improvement projects?